Prof Dr Ersin Erdoğan-Randevu Al-Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Uzmanı

Uluslararası Yayınlar

1.   Gezen F., Baysefer A., Köksel T., Gönül E., Akay KM., Erdogan E. Hydatid cysts of the brain. Clinical Infectious Disease 21: 938-942, 1995.

2.   Baysefer A., Gönül e., Çanakçı Z., Erdogan E., Aydoğan N., Kayalı H.: Hydatid disease of the spine. Spinal Cord 34 : 297-300. 1996

3.   Gönül E., Baysefer A., Erdoğan E., Gezen F., Seber N. “Tension pneumocephalus after frontal sinus gunshot wound”. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery  118, 559-561, (1998)

4.   Baysefer A., Gezen F., Kayalı H., Erdoğan E., Timurkaynak E., Celasun B. “Intracellar gangliocytoma resembling pituitary adenoma”. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 40, 107-109.(1997)

5.   Baysefer A., Erdoğan E., Gezen F., Timurkaynak E.: “Cyst of the mesencephalon (Neuroepithelial cyst?): Review and case report.” Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 40, 148-150.(1997)

6.   Baysefer A., Erdoğan E., Gönül E., Kayalı H., Timurkaynak E., Seber N. “Primary multiple cerebral hydatid cyst: Case report with CT and MRI study.” Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 41, 35-37.(1998)

7.   Baysefer A., Gönül E., Erdogan E., Akay KM., Bedük A., Seber N.: Cirsoid aneurysm of the scalp. European Journal of Plastic Surgery 21: 48-50.1998

8.   Baysefer A., Erdoğan E., Sali A., sirin S., Seber N. “Food drop following brain tumors: Case Reports.” Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery  41(2), 97-98 (1998)

9.   Baysefer A, Izci Y, Erdogan E. “Lateral Intrathoracic Meningocele Associated with a Spinal Intradural Arachnoid Cyst.” Pediatric Neurosurgery 35(2), 107-110 (2001)

10. Gönül, Y. İzci, M. Sefalı, E. Erdoğan, E. Timurkaynak. “Orbital Manifestation of Multiple Myeloma: Case Report” Minim Invasive Neurosurg 44, 172-174 (2001)

11. Erdogan E, Gonul E, Seber N. “Craniocerebral Gunshot Wounds.” Neurosurgery Quarterly 12 (1), 1-18 (2002)

12. Erdogan E, Baysefer A, Onguru O, Izci Y, Timurkaynak E “Haemodynamic Effect on the Growth of Experimentally Induced Saccular Aneurysms in Rats” Annals of Neurosurgery 2 (4) 1-6 (2002)

13. Erdogan E, Beyzadeoglu M, Arpaci F, Celasun B. “Cerebellar Aspergilliosis: Case report and literature review” Neurosurgery  50(4), 874-7 (2002)

14. Gonul E, Erdogan E, Duz B, Timurkaynak E. “Transmaxillary Approach to the Orbit: An Anatomic Study” Neurosurgery. Oct 53(4):935-41; discussion 941-2 (2003).

15. Baysefer A, Erdogan E, Kahraman S, Izci Y, Korkmaz C, Solmaz I, Ulas UH, Ozogul C, Timurkaynak E.  “Effect of mannitol in experimental spinal cord injury: An ultrastructural and electrophysiological study.” Neurol India. Sep 51(3):350-4 (2003).

16. Erdogan E, Duz B, Kocaoglu M, Izci Y, Sirin S, Timurkaynak E. “The effect of cranioplasty on cerebral hemodynamics: evaluation with transcranial Doppler sonography.” Neurol India. Dec 51(4):479-81 (2003).

17. Erdogan E, Onguru O, Bulakbasi N, Baysefer A, Gezen F, Timurkaynak E. “ Schwannoma of the lateral ventricle: eight-year follow-up and literature review.” Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 2003 Feb;46(1):50-3.

18. Erdogan E, Izci Y, Dizer U, Baysefer A. “Multiple Brain Abscesses In A Baby: Case Report and Literature Review” Annals of Neurosurgery  2003

19. Akay KM, Erdogan E, Izci Y, Kaya A, Timurkaynak E. “Medulloblastoma of the cerebellopontine angle--case report.”Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). Nov 43(11):555-8 (2003).

20. Baysefer A, Duz B, Erdogan E, Deveci MS. ” Pediatric cerebellar cystic oligodendroglioma: case report and literature review.” Turk J Pediatr. 2004 Jan-Mar;46(1):95-7.

21. Erdogan E, Izci Y, Gönül E, Timurkaynak E. “ Ventricular Injury Following Cranial Gunshot Wounds Clinical Study”  Mil. Med. 2004 Sep:169(9):691-695

22. Nersesyan H, Herman P, Erdogan E, Hyler F, Blumenfeld H. “Relative Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow and Neuronal Activity in Local Microdomains During Generalized Seizure” J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2004 Sep;24(9):1057-1068.

23. Bulakbasi N, Guvenc I, Onguru O, Erdogan E, Tayfun C, Ucoz T. “The Added Value of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Calculation to Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Differentiation and Grading of Malignant Brain Tumors” J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2004 Nov;28(6):735-746.

24. Atac K, Ulas UH, Erdogan E, Gokcil Z. “Foot drop due to cranial gunshot wound.” Mil Med. 2004 Jul;169(7):568-9.

25. Kayali H, Onguru O, Erdogan E, Sirin S, Timurkaynak E. “Isolated intracranial Rosai-Dorfman disease mimicking meningioma” Clinical Neuropathology 2004 Oct: 23(5):204-208

26. Izci Y, Erdogan E, Timurkaynak E “Acute  Right   Submandibular  Swelling following Surgery for Bilateral Optic Nerve Meningioma”. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology 2005 Jan;17(1):58-9

27. Gonul E, Erdogan E, Taşar M, Yetiser S, Akay KM, Duz B, Beduk A, Timurkaynak E. “Penetrating Orbitocranial Gunshot Injuries”  Surgical Neurology 2005 Jan;63(1):24-31

28. N. Bulakbasi O. Onguru, E. Erdogan, S. Ilkbahar, M. Kocaoglu “Magnetic Resonance Imaging Characteristics of a Gliosarcoma” .Rivista di Neuroradiologia 18: 59-63, 2005

29. Acar F., Erdogan E., Gonul M., Gokcil Z. Human Tail: A Rare Lesion  and Possible Marker of Intraspinal Lipoma in Adolescent and Pediatric Cases WSJ (World Spine Journal) 1 (2):84-87 2006

30. Kahraman S, Sirin S, Erdogan E, Atabey C, Daneyemez M, Gonul E.” Is dysphonia     permanent or temporary after anterior cervical approach?” Eur Spine J. 2007 Dec;16(12):2092-5.

31. Sirin S, Kahraman S, Gocmen S, Erdogan E.” A rare combination of a developmental venous anomaly with a varix. Case report”.J Neurosurg Pediatrics. 2008 Feb;1(2):156-9

32. Erdogan E., Cansever T. Pyogenic Brain Abscess. Neurosurg. Focus 24: 1-10 2008

33. Sabuncuoğlu H, Dinçer D, Güçlü B, Erdoğan E, Hatipoğlu HG, Ozdoğan S, Timurkaynak E. Intradural cement leakage: a rare complication of percutaneous vertebroplasty. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2008 Aug;150(8):811-5

34. Erdoğan E, Cansever T. Transcallosal transbiforaminal approach to the third ventricle. Turk Neurosurg. 2009 Apr;19(2):192-6.

35. Solmaz I, Gürkanlar D, Gökçil Z, Göksoy C, Ozkan M, Erdoğan E. Antiepileptic activity of melatonin in guinea pigs with pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures. Neurol Res. 2009 31(9):989-95

36. Erdogan E, Civelek E, Onal MB, Solmaz I, Kural C, Yakupoglu H. A new method of patient's head positioning in suboccipital retrosigmoid approach Neurol India. Dec 57(6):777-79 (2009).

37. Gocmen S, Gamsizkan M, Onguru O, Sefali M, Erdogan E. Primary dural lymphoma mimicking a subdural hematoma. J Clin Neurosci. 2010 17(3):380-2

38. Erdogan E, Cansever T, Secer HI, Temiz C, Sirin S, Kabatas S, Gonul E. The evaluation of surgical treatment options in the Chiari malformation type I. Turk Neurosurg. 2010 Jul;20(3):303-13

39. Albayrak BS, Sirin S, Arpaci F, Erdogan E. Long-term Follow-up of a Previously Reported Case of Cerebellar Aspergillosis With the Implication of the Potential Therapeutic Effect of Intracavitary Amphotericin B Application. Neurosurgery. 67(5):1469, 2010.

40. Solmaz I, Onal MB, Civelek E, Kircelli A, Ongoru O, Ugurel S, Erdogan E, Gonul E. The effects of intrathecal nicergoline and nimodipine in cerebral vasospasm: an experimental study in rabbits. Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2011;110(2):81-5.

41. Onal MB, Solmaz I, Civelek E, Kircelli A, Tehli O, Izci Y, Erdogan E, Gonul E. Comparison of intrathecal dotarizine and nimodipine treatments in cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage: an experimental study in rabbits. Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2011;110(2):55-60.

42. Karacalioglu AO, Erdogan E, Duz B, Kilic S, Ayan A, Ozguven MA.The effect of about one third craniectomy on the cerebrospinal fluid flow rate as estimated by radionuclide cisternography in normal rabbits. Hell J Nucl Med. 2011 Jan-Apr;14(1):34-7.

43. Ipekdal HI, Karadas O, Erdogan E, Gokcil Z. Spectrum of surgical complications of temporal lobe epilepsy surgery: a single - center study.Turk Neurosurg. 2011;21(2):147-51

44. Solmaz I, Tehli O, Kaya S, Erdogan E, Izci Y. Bilateral pneumothorax during subdural-peritoneal shunting. Turk Neurosurg. 2011;21(3):421-2.

45. Karadaş O, Ipekdal HI, Erdoğan E, Gökçil Z, Odabaşi Z. Evaluating the feasibility of measures of motor threshold and cortical silent period as predictors of outcome after temporal lobe epilepsy surgery. Seizure. 2011 Aug 6.

46. Beriat GK, Ataç GK, Kocatürk S, Ezerarslan H, Erdoğan E. A simple technique for removal of orbital tumors: transmaxillary approach.Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2013 Sep-Oct;23(5):299-301

47. Erbas YC, Gocmen S, Kendirli MT, Atac GK, Erdogan E. Neurovascular Compression of The Left Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla: Clinic Findings and Surgical Result. Journal of Neurological Sciences [Turkish] 30:(3)# 37; 607-611, 2013

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    Değişiklik Tarihi: 23 Eylül 2024